Anchorage, AK- Feb. 1, 2023 — “Today’s statement from the Department of Interior about the Willow project sends worrisome mixed messages. While they issued a Supplemental EIS for an environmentally sound project that has been in the permitting process for 69 months, DOI officials suggest the final record of decision could look substantially different, which could ultimately deny the project.


At a time when our country is encouraging foreign countries to increase development, an American company is prepared to spend billions, increase American oil production by 180,000 barrels per day at peak production, and provide Alaska jobs and revenue. Throwing cold water on the project’s future is hardly reassuring that this investment will be allowed to continue. Uncertainty is enemy number one when it comes to making big investment decisions.


Willow has earned strong support from a diverse group of Alaskans, from the majority of North Slope Borough residents and the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope to organizations like the Alaska Federation of Natives, labor unions, small business and contractors. It’s time for Willow to move forward for the benefit of all Alaskans.”



Media Contact:

Kara Moriarty

(907) 351-1116 (mobile/text)